About Us

We are a non-profit, non-governmental organization formed for social and cultural well-being, educational and economic development, health care and creating sustainable environment.

The research, measurements and discussion about the global crises have taken place.  There is no doubt that as human beings we are destroying the planet, the economy and one another.  After more than 27 years of scientific study of the world’s crises, His Excellency Dr. Fredy Ouseph has organized and is launching a global non-profit both in name and spirit to implement solutions.

Governments, economists, the clean tech industry and environmental groups are doing a vital job measuring the human footprint, raising awareness and putting a few environmental protections in place. While a step in the right direction these efforts will not solve the world’s problems.  Our declining economic, environmental and social climate is on a slippery slope and depends on a wide spectrum of radical changes to take place yesterday. That is the void that the United Charish Organization, its affiliate corporations, members and sponsors will boldly fill.

UCO is implementing a massive investment program around the world. We will gather resources and simultaneously build 400 Eco-Techno-Cities, implement 21 welfare programs and organize awareness campaigns around the world. Our affiliates, developers and contractors require more than 500,000 workers in each location. The project will create a massive employment and business opportunity around the world.

Eco-Techno-City, means an “Ecologically healthy technology based City, is designed to enhance the quality of life of the inhabitants and maintain the eco systems on which they depend. Eco-Techno-City will be built on the following ecological principles:

  • Ecological Security
  • Ecological Sanitation
  • Ecological Industrial Metabolism
  • Ecological Landscape
  • Ecological Awareness

UCO is expecting that it will implement effective and constructive solutions to overcome the “Global Crises” through the application of environmentally friendly technologies and inventions in the Eco Techno City; thus creating the green future of the planet Earth emitting balanced carbon. 

The United Charish Organization’s 21 global welfare programs are structured as follows:

The UCO Mission Global Affairs Commission:

The objective of the Mission Global Affairs Commission (MGAC) is to establish the UCO welfare programs in every city to develop a peaceful feeling and friendly atmosphere.This program will be the greatest peace movement ever seen on the planet Earth. Its sole aim is to develop fraternity and friendliness among all nations.

The UCO Mission Global Information Commission:

The objective of the Mission Global Information Commission (MGIC) is to recognize to bring out its welfare programs, global crises and its solutions to the people around the world through mass media on a daily basis. Also it gathers information for mass media and public awareness.

The UCO Mission Global Economic Development Commission:

The objective of the Mission Global Economic Development Commission, (MGEDC) is to plan and organize sustainable economic developments locally, nationally, regionally and globally by building and developing Eco-Techno-Cities and other humanitarian programs that can create economic development, employment opportunities and environmental stability which could make a huge difference for the various global crises.

The UCO Mission Emergency Service Commission:

The objective of the Mission Emergency Service Commission (MESC) is to provide relief to targeted areas around the world facing difficulties during and following calamities and emergencies. Flood, Earthquake, Hurricanes, wildfires, Wars, etc.

The UCO Environmental Protection Awareness Commission:

The objective of the Environmental Protection Awareness Commission (EPAC) is to educate the public, raising awareness of the urgent and imminent dangers we face on land, in the atmosphere and in our waterways. These hazards are a result of excess greenhouse gases, pollution, climate change and the depletion of resources and refinement of crude oil. We offer viable solutions that will prepare the public for the inevitable and we will bring the scientific, environmental, business, education and economic communities together with world leaders to implement vital and sustainable programs to protect life for generations to come.

The UCO Education Development Commission:

The objective of the UCO Education Development Commission (EDC) is to establish cutting-edge educational institutions offering quality education and scientific research and development centers to all demographics, globally

The UCO Children’s Welfare Commission:

The objective of the Children’s Welfare Commission (CWC) is to establish childcare centers globally and providing an extended family for children in every demographic.

The UCO Women’s Welfare Commission:

The objective of the Women’s Welfare Commission (WWC) is to meet the needs and provide social protection for girls and women from every demographic, abused, abandoned or otherwise who are without proper support structures in every major city globally.

The UCO Youth Welfare Commission:

The objective of the Youth Welfare Commission (YWC) is an international program of United Charish Organization designed to reach out and develop young people between the ages of 16-24. The commission will build and develop an estimated 30,000 youth welfare centers globally for education evaluation, career counseling, job opportunities and global placement.

The UCO Senior’s Welfare Commission:

The objective of the Senior Welfare Commission (SWC) is to establish senior living facilities and their welfare programs in every major city. UCO will provide for their needs while helping them to take back their proper place in society.

The UCO Handicapped Welfare Commission:

The objective of the Handicapped Welfare Commission (HDWC), is to establish, build and manage handicapped welfare centers in all the major cities to meet the needs of the handicapped and assist them in taking their place in society.

The UCO Food and Nutrition Commission:

The objective of the Food and Nutrition Commission (FNC) is to develop and build centers globally to gather, store and distribute nutritious and sustainable food. The FNC will then set up distribution channels through the regional welfare centers of UCO.

The UCO Health Care Commission:

The objective of the Health Care Commission (HCC) is to establish cutting-edge health care centers with ambulance services in every major city. It will include super specialty hospitals, medical research centers, clinics and family counseling centers located in every Charish Village globally to serve the needs of the rich and poor.

The UCO Rehabilitation Commission:

The objective of the United Charish Organization’s Rehabilitation Commission (RC) is to build, develop and manage prevention and rehabilitation centers in every major city.  These centers will provide inpatient and outpatient services, voluntary and mandated counseling, vocational training, jobs and rehabilitation for the troubled, forgotten and convicted in society.

The UCO Home’s for Homeless Commission:

The objective of the Homes for Homeless Commission (HFHC) is to provide transition and permanent homes for the homeless all over the world.

The UCO Industries Development Commission:

The objective of the Industries Development Commission (IDC) is to create, build, support and develop tiny, cottage, small, medium and large scale industries in cities throughout the world providing employment as a vital step to eradicate poverty.

The UCO Sports and Games Commission:

The objective of the UCO Sports and Games Commission (SGC) is to build and develop local, national and international sports and games centers. Staff and volunteers will organize, set up and manage local games annually, national games every two years, continental games every 3 years and international games every four years. The outcome will be solidarity, international integrity and global brotherhood and sisterhood.

The UCO Arts and Cultural Heritage Preservation Commission:

The objective of the Arts and Cultural Heritage Preservation Commission (ACHPC) is to promoting and encouraging traditional and cultural arts, all kinds of talents, art forms, theatres, museums and preserve traditional and cultural heritage structures and art forms locally, nationally, regionally and globally. Also, UCO Arts and Cultural Heritage Preservation commission shall organize and conduct Talent Show annually and Arts and Cultural Festivals Annually in a selected country.

The UCO Global Transportation Development Commission:

The objective of the Global Transportation Development Commission (GTDC) is to plan and organize sustainable and efficient air, rail, road and water transportation programs for every region by establishing airlines, shipping lines, road transportation network, rail transportation network, high speed rail, maglev and vacuum transport system and metro transportation programs for the easy and smooth movement of people, goods and service around the world and that can create economic developments and employment opportunities in the targeted regions of the world.

The UCO Global Infrastructure Development Commission:

The objective of the Global Infrastructure Development Commission (GIDC) is to plan and organize sustainable infrastructure development to every region by building and developing power generation Plants for electrical power supply and distribution, water treatment plants for safe drinking water supply and distribution, irrigation system for agriculture and farming, waste to energy treatment plants, sewage treatment plants, sewage and drainage systems, highways, streets, road network and bus stations/stops, railway network and railway stations, connectors, bridges and tunnels, airports, flying schools, seaports, jetties, telecommunication networks and satellite telecommunication network programs for global communication services around the world, etc., that can create economic developments, employment opportunities which could solve the global infrastructure issues.

The UCO Mission Global Economic Development Commission:

The objective of the Mission Global Economic Development Commission, (MGEDC) is to plan and organize sustainable economic developments locally, nationally, regionally and globally by building and developing Eco-Techno-Cities and other humanitarian programs that can create economic development, employment opportunities and environmental stability which could make a huge difference for the various global crises.

The UCO Awards and Prizes Commission:

The objective of the Awards and Prizes Commission (APC) is to recognize the highest achievements of individuals and institutions nationally, regionally and globally to promote and encourage important advances that provide benefits to solving the global crises.

The members of the governing body have solemnly sworn to constitute “United Charish Organization” in order to create and encourage worldwide solidarity and peace through widespread direct action, bringing common welfare and sustainable living to all walks of life and it shall restore dignity to every individual and unity amongst all nations.

We are leading by our Founder, His Excellency Dr. Fredy Ouseph, holding the office of Secretary General. He is surrounded and supported by a body of professional specialists in all fields the organization engaged and dedicated to achieving the highest standards in delivering the objectives of the organization. Our global welfare programs are implemented to provide life sustaining services to all people in every nation.

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