Environmental Protection Awareness Commission


The objective of the Environmental Protection Awareness Commission is to educate the public, raising awareness of the urgent and imminent dangers we face on land, in the atmosphere and in our waterways. These hazards are a result of excess greenhouse gases, pollution, climate change and the depletion and refinement of oil. We offer viable solutions that will prepare the public for the inevitable and we will bring together the scientific, environmental, business, education and economic communities together with world leaders to implement vital and sustainable programs to protect life for generations to come. Environmental Protection Awareness is a global program of United Charish Organization.  We will establish environmental awareness centers in major cities throughout the world to promote outreach spreading the message of environmental protection. The center shall work in association with local and national governments, non-governmental bodies along with environmental organizations. We will work with regional, national, international and global media to raise awareness of environmental issues and the need for urgent change. The Environmental Protection Awareness commission will also organize local, national, regional, international and global rallies, conferences, exhibitions and summits. The center shall conduct environmental awareness education courses for children. We will request the education ministries and authorities around the world to allot a sufficient period of time weekly along with the teaching syllabus for environmental awareness. The UCO Environmental Awareness Commission believes that we can make great impact around the world through teaching environmental awareness to children. This will create a new mindset in children which will lead to a clean environment. The slogan of the Environmental Awareness Commission is: “Making Clean, Clear and Cool Ambience”  The UCO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AWARENESS PROGRAMS:  The UCO Environmental Protection Awareness Commission shall establish the following global welfare solution campaigns, programs and projects to promote environmental protection awareness:
  • GWS Environmental Protection Training
  • GWS Direct Awareness Campaigns
  • GWS Media Campaigns
  • GWS Promotional Campaigns
  • GWS Rallies
  • GWS Tree Planting Campaigns
  • GWS Fund Raising Campaigns
  • GWS Marathon
  • GWS Conferences
  • GWS Exhibitions
  • GWS Summits
 GLOBAL TREE PLANTING PROGRAM: EPAC will pave the way for planting 12 billion trees annually around planet Earth. EPAC has a plan to bring 3 billion people to plant 6 billion trees every 6 months thus it will reach 12 billion trees planting annually. Within 10 years we can bring back the lost forests in the last decades. In association with UCO’s Sports and Games Commission EPAC will organize national and international Marathon annually. EPAC has a program to clean the global water bodies which includes oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, ponds and all moving and stagnant water bodies). UCO has a water management budget for this purpose. UCO’s Environmental Protection Awareness Commission will coordinate with global waste management and clean energy programs to address issues surrounding sewage and hazardous waste treatment, renewable energy, waste disposal, recycling and waste management programs for a safer and cleaner lifestyle. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION/REVENUE: The required funds for the establishment and operation shall be raised by Mission Global Economic Development Commission, membership subscriptions and the following ways and means: DONATIONS:
  • Cash
  • Waste Bins
  • Trash Bags
  • Dump Trucks
  • Sewage Treatment Plants
  • Solid Waste Treatment Plants
  • Water Treatment plants
  • Vehicles
  • Warehouse Facilities
  • Property and Real Estate
  • Assets Of Any Kind
SPONSORSHIP: UCO’s Environmental Protection Awareness Commission shall organize and manage fund raising events such as:
  • Concerts
  • Trade Fairs
  • Bazaars
  • Festivals
  • Rallies
  • Donor Recognition Dinners
  • Phone and Email Campaigns
  • Environmental Publications
  • Promotional Products
  • Toys
  • Greeting Cards
  • Souvenirs
  • Publications
  • UCO Phone and Computer Services
SUPPORT: From the:
  • General Public
  • Associations
  • Clubs
  • Societies
  • Institutions
  • Corporations
  • Organizations
  • Government and Non-Government Bodies
Individuals and institutions can support the day to day operation through volunteer work for UCO’s Environmental Protection Awareness Fund.
For Further Information Contact:

UCO Head Quarters

55, Bryanston Street,

London, W1H 7AA, UK.

Email: info-epac@unitedcharishorganization.org

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