Welcome to United Charish Organization

Through personal accountability, the power to change appears. Together we have built, developed and continue to support an infrastructure which is causing alarming economic, environmental, housing, food and job crises in every corner of the world. 

Through our choices, together we have created and promoted over-consumption, misuse and degradation of our life-sustaining resources. This admission is the first of two important steps that will allow us to build a world for which we can all be grateful. The second step is to see that we have polarized our relationships instead of celebrating one another’s differences. 

The time is now to accept each other and come together to make the vital changes necessary to protect our planet and end needless suffering. Taking steps in a new direction, we can indeed bring hope to the world, better health, happiness, prosperity and security. This is the mission of United Charish organization. 

We invite and sincerely request that you join with us as a volunteer, donor, paid staff member, lifetime member or affiliate corporation. Together we will bring about a radical transition based on the results of many years of thorough scientific research into the choices we have made. Together we shall find solutions to these crises. 

The research and findings were made through extensive world travels and meetings with foremost experts in innovative sustainable technologies by our Founder and Secretary General, His Excellency Dr. Fredy Ouseph. He is a selfless humanitarian, philanthropist and author. He has brilliantly created what is certain to be the largest non-profit ever formed. Due to the urgency of the crises and massive suffering found worldwide, the scopes of these programs are unprecedented in human history. 

We are non-profit not only just in name and status but by our very nature. Our dedicated humanitarian staff from the bottom to the top will be paid a commensurate living wage for the job they are performing; we will be completely transparent in this regard. The vow each of us take and the reward we hope to attain is to bring together, train, hire and manage caring people globally providing wonderful opportunities for those less fortunate. 

Then they can join with the rest of us, helping the world transition into a place where life is celebrated, where there is no more need for borders, where prisons are profit centers and true rehabilitation takes place,  where resources are protected and distributed where they are needed, where child welfare, education, health care, rehabilitation, homes, jobs, worship centers and wealth are all easily accessible in every demographic without causing harm to the planet, its inhabitants or resources. On the surface this may seem like a dream, a vision, and perhaps to some, even an illusion. Though this mission may have begun as a dream 30 years ago, today we launch! His Excellency Dr. Fredy Ouseph began his lifelong journey researching the global crises and finding legitimate solutions. Today, he has brought us to the place in time, where together, we can and will accomplish all of it. 

By working side by side with the world’s most innovative companies and their sustainable technologies we can build and develop 400 carbon-neutral, clean, cool and green Eco-Techno-Cities all over the world. We are bringing together world leaders to adopt our programs. We have been promised ample land and resources to begin the development and building of Eco-Techno-Cities.  We have gathered proven alternative technologies to replace polluting sources of energy. His Excellency Dr. Fredy Ouseph has also developed complete plans for 21 welfare services which can exist in every major city. Together we can make this massive transition.

With all the work to be done, certainly, there will be no shortage of jobs. Rather than re-distributing wealth or protesting government structures, we can all work together setting up an infrastructure where the same wealth and power will be in reach for even the poorest amongst us. 

We arrived at our bottom as human beings through fear and the lack of hope. Many of us have turned away from our hearts; the great news is that we still have them!

Through United Charish Organization staff, volunteers, donors, affiliate corporations and members, we lovingly bring this hope of a better world to all of us and future generations. We firmly believe that this effort will inspire many to return to, and work from our hearts bringing a radical and vital transition that will benefit the world as a whole. 

Throughout this website, you can find an overview of our initiatives and welfare programs. There are many ways to contribute and/or join with us. From the above mentioned, you know what is required. With the exception of the two, four and six year terms for our national leaders, we are seeking lifetime humanitarian staff, executive staff, volunteers, members and donors large and small.

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