Global Infrastructure Development Commission


The objective of the Global Infrastructure Development Commission (GIDC) is to plan and organize to build and develop sustainable infrastructures of all types of renewable power generation plants,water treatment plants, municipality solid waste, industrial hazardous waste and flood management, road transportation networks, railway transportation networks, maglev transportation network, hyper loop/vacuum transportation networks, air transportation facilities, water transportation facilities,telecommunication and satellite network system, parks, gardens and entertainment facilities, court buildings for justice operation, prison buildings and facilities, police headquarters, police training centers and police stations, fire station including disaster management facilities and administration buildings for the operation and management of the whole infrastructure systems around the world that can create economic developments, employment opportunities which could solve the infrastructure issues.

Global Infrastructure Development is an international program of United Charish Organization. The GIDC mission is to establish, build, develop, operate and manage efficient infrastructure systems for serving the people, operate and manage the governing systems around the world. It is defined as follows:

Power Generation Plants for Electrical Energy Supply and Distribution: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage all types of renewable electrical power generation plants for the electrical energy supply and distribution which includes power transmission lines, substations, maintenance programs, operations and management.

Water Treatment Plants for Safe Drinking Water Supply and Distribution: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage all types of water treatment systems for safe drinking water supply and distribution with irrigation system for agriculture and farming which includes water treatment plants, under/over ground water supply pipelines, water pumping stations, maintenance programs, operations and management.

Municipality Solid Waste, Industrial Hazardous Waste and Flood Management: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage all types of municipality solid waste, industrial hazardous waste, hospital waste, etc. It can be collection by trucks and vacuum system for waste to energy treatment plants, sewage connected to sewage treatment plants, flood duct/canals and drainage systems to manage flood and similar situations in major cities.

Road Networks Transportation: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage road networks which includes high ways, streets, connectors, bridges, tunnels, metro transportation systems which includes underground tube (rail) transport, over ground capsule/pod lite transport, road transport network for buses, trucks and taxis for the movement of people, goods and service in all the proposed major cities with walking trails.

Railway Networks Transportation: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage railway network which includes meter gauge, broad gauge, high speed rail tracks, connectors, bridges and tunnels, railway stations, maintenance yards, etc., for the movement of people, goods and service in all the proposed major regions of the world.

Maglev Network Transportation: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage maglev transportation which includes the guideway (track, connectors and, if necessary, tunnels), the vehicle and the operating system, maglev stations, maintenance facilities, etc., to move the people, goods and service around the planet Earth.

Hyperloop/Vacuum Transportation: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage hyper loop/vacuum transportation system includes the guideway (track/ tunnel, connectors), the vehicle and the operating system, hyper loop/vacuum stations, maintenance facilities, etc. It can transport people, goods and service in a hyper sonic speed between the stations to stations.

Air Transportation: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage air transportation facilities which includes airports and air cargo facilities, warehouses, terminal buildings, airport ground operation facilities, paved and unpaved runways, hangers, maintenance facilities, etc., which can be used to operate and manage commercial airlines, air cargo service and charter service in all the proposed regions to transport people, goods and services.

Water/Ocean Transportation: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage seaports, which includes jetty, berths, dockyards for ship/boat building and maintenance, marinas, fishing harbors and warehouse facilities to operate and manage ocean cargo service, shipping lines, cruise lines and inland water transportation in all the proposed regions.

Telecommunication and Satellite System for Telephone and Mobile communication: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage telecommunication and satellite system for telephone, mobile and internet communications. Also, it will operate and manage postal and parcel services to serve the people and institutions in all the proposed major regions of the world.

Parks, Gardens and entertainment Facilities: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage parks, gardens and entertainment facilities to create clean cool environment for relaxing and entertainment which will attract the people in all the proposed major regions around the world.

Court Building for Justice Operation: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage Court building for justice which includes claims dispute settlements and punishment, road, air, water traffic violations punishment, civil and criminal justice and punishments, law and order management and maintenance of law and order in all the regions.

Prison Buildings and Facilities: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage Prison Building and Facilities to accommodate the punished and bring the back them to normal life in all the proposed major regions of the world. The prison will be do the periodic counselling and rehabilitate the prisons.

Police Headquarters, Police/Security Training Facilities and Police Stations: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage police headquarters, police/security training facilities and police stations to maintain the law and order in all the proposed regions around the world.

Fire Brigades and Disaster Management Facilities: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage fire brigades and disaster management facilities to serve the people and protect properties during emergencies of fire breakout, flood, earthquake or civil unrest in all the proposed regions around the world.

Administration Buildings for all the Operations and Management: The GIDC shall establish, build, develop, operate and manage administrations buildings of all the above activities and other commercial and administrative purposes in all the proposed regions around the world.

All the above infrastructure system will be proportionally distributed within our 400 Eco-Techno-cities and other major cities in over 200 countries. Our founder, His Excellency, Fredy Ouseph, believes that the infrastructure development program will be a part of key step to eradicate poverty by creating millions of employment opportunities around the world.

The slogan of the Global Infrastructure Development Commission is: “Ample Facilities”



The UCO’s Global Infrastructure Development Commission shall establish the following global campaigns, programs and projects to promote Global Infrastructure Developments:

  • Renewable Energy Power Generation Plants, supply and distribution.
  • Water Treatment Plants, supply and distribution.
  • Municipality Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste and Flood Management.
  • Road Network for Transportation.
  • Railway Network for Transportation.
  • Maglev Network for Transportation.
  • Hyper loop/Vacuum Network for Transportation.
  • Airports and Air Cargo Facilities.
  • Seaport and Sea Cargo Facilities.
  • Telecommunication and Postal Services.
  • Parks, Gardens and Entertainment Facilities.
  • Court Buildings for law and order Management.
  • Prison Buildings and facilities to manage prisons.
  • Police Headquarters, Police Training facilities and police stations.
  • Fire Brigades and Disaster Management facilities.
  • Administration buildings.
  • Infrastructure Promotional Campaigns.
  • Fund Raising Campaigns.


The required funds for the establishment and operation shall be raised by Mission Global Economic Development Commission, membership subscriptions and the following ways and means:


  • Cash
  • Solar Panel, winder turbines, hydro-turbines, tidel-turbines, wave turbines, gravity turbines, plasma engines, solar steel alloy turbines.
  • Storage Batteries.
  • Water Treatment Plants (Desalination plants, reverse osmosis plants, etc.
  • Waste to Energy Plants, Sewage treatment plants, equipment, accessories.
  • Road construction equipment and accessories.
  • Railway construction equipment and accessories.
  • Maglev construction equipment and accessories.
  • Hyper Loop/Vacuum transport equipment and accessories.
  • Airport operation equipment and accessories.
  • Seaport operation equipment and accessories.
  • Telecommunication equipment and accessories.
  • Parks, Gardens and Entertainment equipment and accessories.
  • Building Material, steel bars for concrete, cement, bricks, paints, paving tiles, wall tiles, doors, windows, locks, wood, bathroom sets and accessories, kitchen equipment and accessories, water proofing material, etc.
  • Fire Engines, firefighting equipment, ambulances, etc.
  • Vehicles
  • Warehouse Facilities
  • Property and Real Estate
  • Assets Of Any Kind  


UCO’s Global Infrastructure Development Commission shall organize and manage fund raising events such as:

  • Concerts
  • Trade Fairs
  • Bazaars
  • Festivals
  • Rallies
  • Donor Recognition Dinners
  • Phone and Email Campaigns


Sale of:

  • Infrastructure Publications
  • Infrastructure Promotional Products
  • Infrastructure Toys
  • Greeting Cards
  • Souvenirs
  • Publications
  • UCO Phone and Computer Services


From the:

  • General Public
  • Associations
  • Clubs
  • Societies
  • Institutions
  • Corporations
  • Organizations
  • Government and Non-Government Bodies

Individuals and institutions can support the day to day operation through volunteer work for UCO’s Global Infrastructure Development Fund.

For Further Informaiton Contact:

UCO Head Quarters

55, Bryanston Street,

London, W1H 7AA, UK.


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