Make Donations

Anyone can donate any amount of cash or any kind of donation to the organization to support the below mentioned 21 welfare programs of the organization.

  • Mission Global Affairs Commission:
  • Mission Global Information Commission:
  • Mission Global Economic Development Commission:
  • Mission Emergency Service Commission:
  • Environmental Awareness Protection Commission:
  • Education Development Commission:
  • Children’s Welfare Commission:
  • Women’s Welfare Commission:
  • Youth Welfare Commission:
  • Senior Welfare Commission:
  • Handicapped Welfare Commission:
  • Food and Nutrition Commission:
  • Healthcare Commission:
  • Rehabilitation Commission:
  • Home For Homeless Commission:
  • Industries Development Commission:
  • Sports and Games Commission:
  • Arts and Cultural Heritage Preservation Commission:
  • Global Transportation Development Commission:
  •  Global Infrastructure Development Commission:
  • .Awards and Prize Commission:
For Further Information, Please Contact:

UCO Headquarters

55, Bryanston Street,London, W1H, 7AA, UK


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