Mission Global Affairs Commission


The objective of the Mission Global Affairs Commission is to establish diplomatic relations with all the Countries and the welfare programs of UCO in every city to develop a peaceful feeling and friendly atmosphere.

MGAC is an international program of United Charish Organization designed to implement solutions worldwide, building a sphere of influence, admitting Mission Global Peace members and establishing the organization’s programs.


MGAC staff will establish Charish Family Chambers and Charish Villages around the world and introduce the nineteen welfare programs and projects of UCO. Following administrative structure will be developed by MGAC to serve the people around the world.

  • One Charish Family averages 4 people
  • Ten Charish Families averaging 40 people is called a Charish Chamber
  • Ten Charish Chambers averaging 400 people is called a Charish Community
  • Ten Charish Communities averaging 4,000 people is a Charish Village
  • Ten Charish Villages averaging 40,000 people is a Charish City
  • Ten Charish Cities averaging 400,000 people is a Charish Region
  • Four Charish Regions averaging 1,600,000 people is a Charish District
  • Two – Ten, Charish Districts is called a Charish State
  • One plus Charish State is called a Charish Country
  • 2 plus Charish Countries is an International Charish Body


Eliminating disputes require an international agreement that there will no longer be borders between Charish Countries.  Borders exist and have value for three reasons: Policing, immigration and claims for resources on each side. We will provide a Charish Peace Keeping Force staffed by those Charish Countries on each side of each existing border led by the Mission Global Affairs Commission.

All Charish Body residents will have a Charish Photo ID card containing a life scan, illustrating criminal, work, credit and medical history. Crimes will be classified and designated as Class A, B and C according to the level of threat to peace. This will be determined according to victim vs. victimless crimes and used as the condition for determining placement location and rehabilitation requirements to join a Charish Chamber.

Class A (crimes with intentional victims) and class B (crimes with unintended victims) offenders that have already served their sentence will be simultaneously admitted and entered into a 30 day education and job placement program.   Class C (crimes with no victims) offenders will only be required to attend the job placement program. Those who are being sentenced to jail time will be placed in a guarded Charish Rehabilitation Facility; each facility will be a self sustaining for-profit business with vocational training.

Secondly, regarding immigration, passports will be replaced by international ID cards borders will become welcome stations for all Charish World Citizens.

Thirdly, with regard to world resources, United Charish Organization will purchase and distribute resources from disputed lands according to the current borders, being divided equally amongst bordering countries.  


Through membership in MGAC, members will have immediate temporary access to free education, job placement, basic supplies, fitness centers, healthcare, housing, worship facilities and rehabilitation. The MGAC program will significantly reduce the crime rate by developing a friendly atmosphere and helping spirit in every heart. By offering this choice to the forgotten in society, we shall eliminate the peace-less state. This opportunity for those less fortunate will lead to the eradication of criminal tendencies.

Mission Global Affairs Commission slogan is: “One World – One Family”


The required funds for the establishment and operations shall be raised by Mission Global Economic Development Commission, membership subscriptions and the following ways and means:


  • Cash Donations
  • Vehicles
  • Property and real estate
  • Assets Of Any Kind 


We will organize and manage ongoing fund raising events such as:

  • Stadium Music Concerts
  • Trade Fairs
  • Bazaars
  • Performances
  • Award Presentations And Celebrations
  • Donor Recognition Dinners
  • Local, National and International Charish Games and Events
  • Letter Writing
  • Social Networking
  • Marathon
  • Tree Planting Campaigns


Sale of consumer products to the general public, associations, clubs, societies, institutions, companies and to well wishers of the organization such as:

  • Various UCO and GWS Promotional Items
  • UCO Phone and Computer Services
  • Greeting Cards
  • Souvenirs
  • Emergency Supplies
  • Books and Publications
  • Educational Materials


From the:

  • General Public
  • Associations
  • Clubs
  • Societies
  • Institutions
  • Corporations
  • Government & Non Government Bodies

Individuals and institutions can support the day to day operation of MGAC through volunteering to work with the UCO Mission Global Affairs Fund.

For Further Information Contact:

UCO Head Quarters
55, Bryanston Street,
London, W1H 7AA, UK.
Email: info-mgac@unitedcharishorganization.org

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