Complaints and Suggestions

We are always looking forward to serve the people and the global community for the better life around the planet Earth. If anyone has any complaint, comments or suggestions to improve our programs and projects of the below mentioned commissions, please send us your complaint, comments and suggestions to our special team handling to improve and better serve the people and the global community.

  • Mission Global Affairs Commission:
  • Mission Global Information Commission:
  • Mission Global Economic Development Commission:
  • Mission Emergency Service Commission:
  • Environmental Awareness Protection Commission:
  • Education Development Commission:
  • Children’s Welfare Commission:
  • Women’s Welfare Commission:
  • Youth Welfare Commission:
  • Senior Welfare Commission:
  • Handicapped Welfare Commission:
  • Food and Nutrition Commission:
  • Healthcare Commission:
  • Rehabilitation Commission:
  • Home For Homeless Commission:
  • Industries Development Commission:
  • Sports and Games Commission:                 
  • Arts and Cultural Heritage Preservation Commission:
  • Global Transportation Development Commission:
  • Global Infrastructure Development Commission:
  • Awards and Prize Commission:

Please send us your complaint, comments and suggestions by post or email in the following address.


Complaints and Suggestions,

UCO Headquarters,
55, Bryanston Street,
London, W1H, 7AA, UK

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